
Uxbridge BID April 2021 Newsletter


The last few months have been difficult for so many Uxbridge town centre businesses, the uncertainty and strain has been felt by all. Now, thankfully things are turning around...

Our town centre is opening up once again and soon the high street will be filled with eager shoppers, friends having coffee, families having fun, people on nights
out and more! The Uxbridge BID team have been busy behind the scenes working with our security ambassadors and our BID funded police officer to keep Uxbridge town centre safe during the third lockdown and support open essential retail. We have worked with and supported businesses via phone, email and with in-person visits and
provided support with regards to funding and grants. We have continued to raise the profile of Uxbridge town centre and our diverse range of shops, businesses and eateries via our @LoveUxbridge social media channels and are working on Summer projects (which we can’t wait to share with you). Until then stay safe, support local and see you soon!

Click here to download the Uxbridge BID Zone April 2021 newsletter!

Please feel free to contact one of the BID team: , , or

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