
Local Restrictions Support Grant

Grants for businesses in tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4 in England

Businesses required to close in England due to local or national restrictions may be eligible for the following through the Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) scheme:

  • Businesses with a property rateable value of £15,000 or less are eligible for £667 for each 14 day period the business is closed.
  • Businesses with a property rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000 are eligible for £1,000 for each 14 day period the business is closed.
  • Businesses with a property value of £51,000 or above are eligible for £1,500 for each 14 day period the business is closed.

More details here.

Businesses that have not had to close but which have been severely impacted due to local restrictions may be eligible for LRSG (Open):

  • Businesses with a property a rateable value of £15,000 or less may be eligible for a grant of up to £467 for each 14 day period.
  • Businesses with a property rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000 may be eligible for up to £700 for each 14 day period.
  • Businesses with a property rateable value of £51,000 or above may be eligible for up to £1,050 for each 14 day period.

More details here.

The Additional Restrictions Grant can be used by local authorities to support other businesses such as suppliers to the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors, businesses in the events sector and businesses outside the business rates system but are effectively forced to close such as market traders. More details here.

Visit Hillingdon Council website here:

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