
Safe Space Uxbridge Initiative

Safe Space Uxbridge Initiative

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Useful Contact Details, Websites and Information:

Domestic Abuse Helplines and Support contact details from the Hillingdon Domestic Abuse website page.

National Domestic Violence Helpline

(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

0808 2000 247


Forced Marriage Unit

0207 008 0151


Galop (national LGBT+ domestic abuse)

0800 999 5428


020 8848 5893

Hillingdon DA MARAC

0208 246 1798


Hillingdon Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service

07874 620954


Hillingdon Women's Centre

01895 259578

Men's Advice Line

0808 081 0827


0808 800 5000

Rape Crisis

0808 802 9999

Richmond Fellowship

020 7697 3300

Stronger Families Hub

01895 556006


The Traveller Movement

0207 607 2002


Traveller Education Service

01895 556207

Victim Support

0845 450 3883

Women and Girls Network

0207 607 2002


Hillingdon | Hestia

Domestic Abuse: Floating Support, Modern Slavery Response: Outreach support, Safehouse accommodation, Mental Health & Complex Needs: Hillingdon Crisis Cove

Standing Together

A national charity bringing communities together to end domestic abuse.


Works with communities to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls and create sustainable, long-term change.

Request information under Clare's Law: Make a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) application | Metropolitan Police

This scheme enables the police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have.

Under Clare's Law you can:

  • apply for information about your current or ex-partner because you're worried they may have a history of abuse and are a risk to you
  • request information about the current or ex-partner of a friend or relative because you're worried they might be at risk


StreetSafe is a pilot service for anyone to anonymously tell us about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues, e.g. street lighting, abandoned buildings or vandalism and/or because of some behaviours, e.g. being followed or verbally abused (not for reporting crime or incidents).

Ask for Angela

The Met and the Mayor of London have joined together with Safer Sounds, part of the Safer Business Network, and licensed venues across the capital to help keep people safe while enjoying a night out. People who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened in bars, clubs and other licensed businesses can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’. This code-phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist them (reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi, or by calling venue security and/or the police).

Safe Connection

It is a visual verification process for lone women to confirm the identity of a lone plain clothed officer. In addition to presenting their warrant card as per standard practice, on duty plain clothed officers operating on their own will proactively conduct a verification check for any lone female member of the public they have to engage with in the course of their duty. That person can also request that the verification check takes place. The officer will radio the local Operations (Ops) Room and update that they require a reassurance call. The Ops Room Supervisor will facilitate that call and visually confirm the officer is who they say they are, that they are on duty and the reason the officer is speaking to the member of the public. The Ops room has an iPhone which is video call enabled with the main apps that facilitate video communication; FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, MS Teams, Zoom and Google Duo). By making the Ops Room the point of contact it ensures there is availability of a 24/7 video response. The video call will be made using the officer’s mobile device, but on the rare occasion there is a technical issue and the device is not working, then the Ops room will provide the woman with the telephone number for the Safe Connection iPhone so that they can call using one of a range of popular video calling services.

If an officer is off duty they will call ‘999’ to create an initial record of the event (CAD). Based on the location, the CAD will be forwarded to and advise the relevant Ops Room to video call the officer, to enable the reassurance call to take place.

A lone woman can also call ‘999’ directly, to ask for verification of an officer’s identification and reassurance from the police control room if they prefer this route, or if video calling is not available.

How to report crimes to the Police:

  • Call ‘999’ for any emergency
  • ‘101’ for any non-urgent matter, or
  • Alternatively, you can complete a report online

What’s happening in your area?

Find your local officer, get the latest crime statistics and advice, help us with appeals for information and find out what we’re doing to tackle crime in your area.

Your area | Metropolitan Police

Crime prevention advice | Metropolitan Police

The advice offers best practice for you to follow alongside practical crime prevention methods: from basic hints and tips to more detailed strategies.

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